Marketing Philosophy

Vision Quest utilizes a graduated approach to marketing. Our goal is to fill the building as efficiently and economically as possible. This process starts with relatively low/no cost methods and “graduates” to more costly alternatives as determined by the current rental market.


We’ll evaluate current signage, diagnose its relative usefulness, and make recommendations if improvements are necessary.

Local Newspaper Advertising

Research indicates that with print ads, providing circulation to a 9 mile radius of the complex is the most effective approach. This method is very cost effective as the first attempt to educate prospects about a building close to them.


This form of marketing is undoubtedly the most popular method of searching for a rental home by those of the baby-boom generation and younger.

Word of Mouth

When appropriate, Vision Quest offers small incentives to current satisfied residents for “spreading the word” about their apartment community.


In order to advertise within the surrounding area, Vision Quest creates and distributes print material throughout the local business community. This approach takes commitment, as it’s a consistent week-by-week method of generating exposure for the property.

Value Added Apartment

In an attempt to maintain a competitive edge in the marketplace, Vision Quest looks for low-cost methods of adding value to existing rental units. Once units are upgraded we are able to market them more aggressively. The goal is to rent a vacant as quickly as possible while slowly adding value to the property.


If the market warrants, mailers can be sent to targeted prospective residents within the surrounding neighborhood.

“I have found Vision Quest Property Management to be an extremely reliable company with tremendous communication skills. Simply put, Vision Quest Property Management makes my job easy!" Matt F.