Resident Retention

Vision Quest believes that resident retention is a key factor in maximizing occupancy, especially at senior properties where satisfied residents tend to age in place. Creating the proper feeling or climate in an apartment community is a crucial part of any resident retention program. Our program includes, but is not limited to the following methods:

Annual Resident Satisfaction Surveys

The key to retaining residents is to consistently check to see if their needs are being met. Vision Quest makes slight adjustments to our interactions with residents, always searching for the most effective way.

Resident Communication

Vision Quest makes use of both written and verbal forms of communication with residents. On-site staff creates monthly newsletters, individual letters, and group brochures posted throughout the buildings. Group get-togethers happen frequently in our communities allowing ample opportunities for verbal communication between residents and staff alike. Vision Quest employees consistently receive high scores in the “communicates with residents” portion of the resident surveys.

Newcomers to the building receive several phone calls to make sure their transition is a smooth one. One call goes out two days before move-in, one call two days after, one two weeks after that, and another two months later. The idea here is to be proactive in dealing with any problems that can and often do go along with moving into a new community.

Safety Checks

Vision Quest employees make use of a Safety Check system in the Senior complexes we manage. Residents quickly come to feel a real sense of community with each other and are quick to let management know when a particular resident has not been seen. We’re quick to do a “wellness check” for the community member in question either verbally by phone, or in person.

Resident Meetings

This form of communication is a bit more formal, and the meetings are scheduled weeks in advance to discuss any issues which may have developed or just to share information with residents.


Active residents are happy residents. Our goal is not only to present enough activities to get individuals involved, but to provide activities that can be attended by the largest number of residents at any given time. From our experience, when a real sense of “community” is achieved, the chances for retention greatly increase along with it. Vision Quest site-managers and regional managers are in a constant search for new and better activities to help get residents involved. Many of these come at little or no cost to ownership.

Resident Rewards

Small incentive and reward programs are often utilized in our properties to thank “returning residents” for signing on for another year. Small rewards are also given to community members referring a new resident or for allowing management to show their nicely furnished “model” home to a prospect. Although sometimes as small as a thank-you card with a $5 gift certificate to a local coffee house, the rewards are appreciated and go a long way in creating the right atmosphere.

Parties & Events

Birthday bashes, Christmas and Halloween parties, pot luck dinners, wine and cheese parties, casino night, and Christmas light tours are among the many types of events utilized in Vision Quest managed properties to help boost resident morale and to bring a sense of fun to the property.

“Vision Quest communicated well with our crews and checked the work that was being done. All of the tenants were well notified when our construction work would be affecting their units.” Tony F.
Stormguard Restoration